• 114 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to set the Yearly Shapes to adapt to the power storage technologiesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zigan Zhou 4/7/2022


    I want to use the storage process in the NEMO framework for the carbon neutrality analyse. I have questions for the parameters setting.

    I have choose two types of technology, Lithium battery storage and hydro pumped storage.The Yearly shape in my model is Energy load shape (% of annual load) with 12 slices. While I don't know that meaning of "full load hours " in the LEAP . I followed other studies and set 4 hours for the two storage technologies. As I choose a yearly shape with 12 months, I am not sure about the matched "full load hours " .

    I have run the model and the results are attached in the Excel. It reflects there is no difference for the power generation allocation whether you use storage progress or not. Besides, the two power storage progress have the same outputs electricity in the outputs by output fuel aspect.

    Best Regards!

    Zigan Zhou