• 162 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Introducing an Appliance Efficiency StandardSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Maks Kraidelaman 4/11/2022

    I am attempting to model the effects that introducing an energy appliance standard will have on household energy consumption.

    My reference scenario starts in 2020 and I have 100% of households having the inefficient appliance and the number of households with the appliance grow from 2.5 million to 8 million by 2050.

    In the scenario I am attempting to model I need to introduce the efficient appliance in 2020 with the efficiency standard coming into effect in 2035.

    I know I can interp(2020,0, 2035, 15) to show the % change in households with the efficient appliance. However, I am unsure how to ensure post 2035 no new appliance introduced to the system will be the inefficient one.

    The main issue I am having is how do I tell LEAP, post 2035, as more and more households gain the appliance that new appliances added to the system have to be the efficient one.

    I do not want to get rid of all the inefficient appliances because purchases made up until 2035 will still be in the system come 2050.

    Hope this makes sense!

    Thank you