• 76 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Urgent- Unusual dip in social costs and power generationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rida Maheen 4/13/2022

    Dear LEAP team,

    I have established scenarios for carbon-neutral pathways of China's power generation sector. I don't understand why I'm seeing a dip in the social costs and power generation in the first year of simulations. To my knowledge, I have correctly input all associated costs and other data in the Analysis tab. The rest of the trajectories are satisfactory, but I just don't understand the reason for the dips.

    Here are screenshots of what the dips look like:

    Would appreciate it if anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong and possible troubleshooting routes. Thanks in advance!

    My best,

  • Esad Smajlovic 3/6/2023
      Best Response

    I often had results with similar dip in the first year of a scenario. Check why the electricity needs are lower in the first year, the demand and especially export. You should find the way to flatten the dip in the first year generation that should be reflected in the social costs too.