• 151 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Transfer data from one laptop to another oneSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Smail Khennas 4/29/2022

    Dear all
    I would like to transfer my LEAP data from one laptop to another one, I have backed up the results. Thank you for help
  • Charlie Heaps 5/17/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Smail. Once you’ve backed up your data to a .LEAP data file, just move that file to your other computer. If that PC has LEAP installed on it you can double click the file to install it into your 2nd copy of LEAP. Alternatively, use menu option Area: Install: Install from File.
  • Smail Khennas 6/4/2022
      Best Response

    Many thanks Charlie for your continuous support. Very much appreciated by the whole LEAP community