• 538 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Calculations emission factors - ReferencesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Camila Omae 5/3/2022


    I want to know about references of equations and numbers about emissions. Where I can find them? Could you please help me with this matter?
    For example: If I choose diesel as the principal fuel, the CO2 equation of emission on LEAP is 21.3*FractionOxidized*(CO2/C), where is the reference of equation? Or the anothers emission factors?

    Really appreaciate your help.

    Kind regards,

  • Liya Cai 5/24/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Camila,

    According to IPCC database, the carbon content of typical coal such as lignite coking coal is 25.8kg/GJ. When carbon is oxidized to CO2, the molecular weight changes from 12 to 44, and the corresponding CO2 emission factor is calculated as:
    25.8 kgC/GJ *44/12*100% = 94.6 kgCO2/GJ =94600 kgCO2/TJ.

    The CO2 emission factor of standard coal equivalent can be calculated as:
    29.3076 GJ/t * 94.6 kgCO2/GJ / 1000 = 2.7725 tCO2/tce.

    Best regards,