• 94 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: problems to connect key assumptions and the energy demandSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Anabela Aguiar 5/5/2022

    My objective is to introduce the variation of socioeconomic and climatic variables, but also to consider the increase in energy demand to make projections of future energy demand, but I having problems with the socioeconomic and climatic variables in the key assumptions I can't change these parameters for different scenarios, the only thing I can do is vary the energy demand.
    So all my projections for the future are all the same, because I am changing the key assumptions, but still have no impact in the energy demand.

  • Liya Cai 5/22/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Anabela,

    The key assumptions are usually the parameters can be cited conveniently in all scenarios you established. If you would like to change the result of scenarios, just change the values in different scenarios instead of changing the key assumption. Hope this helps.
