• 418 views | 8 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Failed to run Julia/NEMOSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Xiugui Wang 5/17/2022

    When running the optimization model LEAP-NEMO, it shows that the startup fails, and the reinstallation does not work. How can I fix this problem?

    2022/5/17 17:50:03: Running julia with command: "using NemoMod, JuMP, Cbc; NemoMod.calculatescenario("""D:\\Program Files\\LEAP\\_Settings\\_Work\\0\\NEMO_6.sqlite"""; jumpmodel=Model(Cbc.Optimizer), varstosave = """vproductionbytechnology, vnewcapacity, vusebytechnology, vproductionbytechnologyannual, vusebytechnologyannual""", calcyears=[2020,2025,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050,2055,2060] , quiet = false )"
  • Charlie Heaps 5/26/2022
      Best Response

    Although this is not sufficient information to identify the source of the problem, we notice that you seem to have set your LEAP working directory to be below the Program Files\LEAP folder.

    This is not a normal setup and almost certainly will not work since Windows normally requires administrative rights to write to such folders.

    Without knowing more, we suggest you reinstall LEAP and use the standard LEAP working directory locations (normally located under the Documents\LEAP Areas folder).
  • Guillermo Garcia 8/31/2023
      Best Response

    Hi, Charlie!

    I'm actually having a similar issue right now.

    I'm trying to use LEAP-NEMO on the default Optimization Exercise, with NEMO(Cbc), however I'm getting the same Error while running the calculations.

    I saw this post and actually had LEAP installed in Program Files/LEAP, but reinstalled it as you indicated below Documents/LEAP Areas.

    I would really appreciate if you could give me some suggestions on how to solve this issue, and if you could indicate me any additional information you could need to solve it, please don't hesitate on asking.

    Thank you in advance for support.

    Guillermo GC

  • Charlie Heaps 8/31/2023
      Best Response

    Hi Guillermo,

    That error message is a low level message and simply indicates that an error occurred when LEAP attempted to open a command window to run Julia and NEMO. This could be due to a number of reasons, perhaps including that you do not have sufficient access rights to open such a window or that Julia is not running correctly, perhaps due to it not being properly installed.

    Could you please share with me the contents of the Help: About screen in LEAP? That might give me a bit more information about your system that could give some clues. If possible, please also send me a copy of the LEAP.LOG file. This is normally located in the folder Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings folder.


  • Guillermo Garcia 9/1/2023
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,

    Thank you for your prompt response.

    Here are the contents of the About LEAP screen:

    System Information

    Version: 2020.1.0.102 (64-Bit)
    Dictionary Version: 493
    Program Folder: "C:\Users\Guillermo Garc�a\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
    Areas Folder: "C:\Users\Guillermo Garc�a\Documents\LEAP Areas\"
    Settings Folder: "C:\Users\Guillermo Garc�a\Documents\LEAP Areas\_Settings\"
    Instance: 1
    MapWinGIS: No
    Registered for Automation: Yes
    TSC64 DLL for Scripting: Yes (v1.2.5.2)
    GLPK: 4.65 (64-Bit)
    NEMO: 1.90
    Julia: 1.72
    Registered to: "A01034958@tec.mx" until octubre 16, 2024
    User Name: Guillermo Garc�a

    Current Area
    Area Name: Optimization Exercise
    Base Year: 2010
    End Year: 2020
    First Scenario Year: 2011
    Scope: [Demand, Transform, Costs, Emissions]
    Scenarios: 6 (COAL, OPT, GAS, WIND, HYDRO, CO2)
    Time Slices: 96 (Spring: Hour 1, Spring: Hour 2, Spring: Hour 3, ...)

    Microsoft Windows
    Version: Windows 10 Pro, 64 Bit
    Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
    Running as: Standard User
    BDE Installed: No
    Excel Installed: Yes
    Word Installed: Yes
    PowerPoint Installed: Yes
    Wine: No
    Screen Resolution: 3840 x 1080 pixels
    Date Format: d/m/yyyy
    List Separator: ","
    Decimal Separator: "."
    Thousands Separator: ","
    Internet Explorer: 11.1
    Fonts: Small fonts (100% Scaling)
    Anti-Virus: McAfee (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Virus: Malwarebytes (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Virus: Windows Defender (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: McAfee (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Malwarebytes (Enabled, Up to date)
    Anti-Spyware: Windows Defender (Enabled, Up to date)
    Firewall: McAfee (Enabled)

    Computer Name: LAPTOP-F6G5U79A
    User Name: Guillermo Garc�a
    Workgroup Name: WORKGROUP
    Registered Owner: Guillermo Garc�a
    Processor Type: 11th Gen Intel Core i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
    Processor Speed: 2419 MHz
    Number of Processors: 8
    Total Memory: 15.73 GB
    Available Memory: 6.49 GB
    MAC Addresses: 3C-21-9C-32-35-34
    Disk Size: 474.72 GB
    Free Disk Space: 327.76 GB
    Connected to Internet: Yes
    Locked Keys: NUM

    Also, you may find my LEAP.log file as indicated in the following Dropbox link:

    Guillermo GC
  • Charlie Heaps 9/1/2023
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Thanks for this Guillermo. I think we've found the problem. The interface between LEAP and NEMO was not working properly due to the accented character in your name. In general, LEAP and NEMO both work OK with accented characters and with different regional number formats, but this rather particular issue tripped LEAP up!

    Anyway, I've fixed the problem now. Just doing some final testing on it, but should be able to post a new version of LEAP either later today or over the weekend. Please look for LEAP v2020.1.103 to include that. You won't need to update NEMO.

    Thanks for helping us identify and fix this and sorry for the problems!

  • Charlie Heaps 9/1/2023
      Best Response

    1 Like

    2020.1.103 posted now. You can get it here: https://leap.sei.org/download.
  • Guillermo Garcia 9/1/2023
      Best Response


    I already downloaded this new version and apparently the error is gone! Now I could run the Optimization Excercise without any trouble!

    Thank you very much for your quick assistance!

    Guillermo GC