• 134 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Energy CommunitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gabriele Antonio Gentile 5/25/2022

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    Hi, is it possible to model a Renewable Energy Community in LEAP? Like, for example, I want to add some consumers, producers, and prosumers, with the related load diagram for each consumer and the production diagram for each producer, and also a storage system for each. In addition, I would like to calculate: the power flow between them, the value of saved losses because of the non-use of transmission grid (due to self-consumption and energy sharing), etc., and finally try to do some cost-benefit analysis.
  • Liya Cai 5/30/2022
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    Hi Garbriele,

    You could establish the model based on the LEAP framework. You could add the cosumers in the Demand module, and add the producers in the transformation module. You also could add the technology below the branch of each producer. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
  • Gabriele Antonio Gentile 6/2/2022
      Best Response

    Hi, I followed your advice and I created the model through the LEAP framework. I have added some consumers below Demand, and for each of them I added a Load shape curve with 8760 values, using the import from Excel file. I also added some PV panel system under the Transformation module but I can't find a way to add the Production shape curve from Excel. How can I do that?
    I tried to make an excel file with the same values but negative, so I can import the curve with negative values and try to add the PV as a load but with negative consumption. Is this the only way?

    And also, how can I model a prosumer? Like an household with energy demand consumption but also with a PV system producing energy?