• 78 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Entering Indigenous Production for Primary Resource - Coal LigniteSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nemanja Backovic 5/30/2022

    Dear Madam/Sir,

    I want to enter Indigenous production for the primary resource - Coal Lignite. I have set additional reserves and base year reserve to "unlimited". However, considering I have a negative value of around 300 thousand Tj for this resource transformation, LEAP is covering that energy ammount from imports, and I want it to be from the production in energy balance.

    I have tried everything: changing Dispatch Rule, position of Coal as an output fuel within Transformation module, increasing energy demand for Coal Lignite etc. Nothing seems to be working in order to define additional production for this resource. Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

    Thank you, kind regards, Nemanja

  • Liya Cai 7/24/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Nemanja,

    If you want to produce the coal lignite, you could try to input the Exogenous Capacity, Historical Production in the transformation module and set the Baseyear Reserves in the Resources module. The most important is the Coal Lignite must be available in the demand module. Only in this way, you can get the production result from the transformation module. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,