• 194 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Endogenous capacitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • EMRE UZ 6/6/2022


    I received an error and I couldn't get a result for the entered data in my model. How can I solve this issue on LEAP?

    " Problem with endogenous capacity addition calculations. This may indicate the Demand is growing too fast. Alternatively, check there is sufficient capacity.
    Branch: Transformation\Electricity generation\Processes\Existing hydropower

    Thanks in advance,
  • Charlie Heaps 6/8/2022
      Best Response

    This error usually indicates your demands are orders of magnitudes too large. In this case I recommend temporarily switching off the Transformation and Resources calculations in the Settings: Scope screen. Then calculate and review your energy demand results to see if anything looks suspicious. A single branch with an incorrect scaling factor might be enough to mess things up. Let me know what you find!
  • EMRE UZ 6/28/2022
      Best Response

    Dear Charles,

    I have checked the data which is entered as you have mentioned. Then I reviewed the energy demand and I noticed that a few data weren't on the same scale as the other ones.

    Thank you for your response,
  • Charlie Heaps 7/5/2022
      Best Response

    Great! :)