• 106 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Out of memory error when running more than 1 scenario for 8 regionsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Luke Sperry 6/9/2022


    I am running into an "Out of memory" error when I try to run multiple scenarios for 8 regions. I have no problems when I run multiple scenarios for just one region or when I run one scenario for 8 regions, but I can't seem to run multiple scenarios (even 2) for multiple regions. I have attached an image of the error window. During the crash, there were 65 excel windows open. Is there a known solution to this error for large models?

    Thanks in advance,
    Luke Sperry

  • Charlie Heaps 6/10/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Luke

    I’ve seen out of memory issues with the 32-bit version on large models, but I think you are using the 64-bit version (right?), so I’m surprised to see this. If you want to send me your model as a .leap file i can try running it on my pic to see what’s going on..

