• 106 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Renewable QualifiedSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Xiugui Wang 6/15/2022

    In the optimization scenario, I set Renewable Target:
    Interp(2020,11.2,2025, 20.000, 2030, 25.000, 2060, 80.000)
    but the system requires me to fill in Renewable Qualified, but when I set the following parameters, the optimization failed with an error, what should it be set to?

  • Charlie Heaps 6/22/2022
      Best Response

    This message generally indicates you have put in too many constraints so that NEMO cannot find any combination of parameters that fulfills the overall objective function. Try removing constraints one by one until the model solves.

    BTW - I would recommend using the CBC solver instead of the GLPK solver. We find it to be much faster and more robust.

    Hope this helps!
