• 51 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Specifying Fuel Production in Certain YearSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ahmed Elsayed 6/20/2022

    Kindly i have an issue regarding specify certain constraint on natural gas production in certain year. How can i specify such that in LEAP
  • Charlie Heaps 6/21/2022
      Best Response

    You can create a natural gas production module and specify the capacity for that module. If that capacity is not enough to meet demands, LEAP will (by default) try to import natural gas to fill the gap. If you don't want that to happen, set the Shortfall Rule for the module's output fuel(s) to RequirementsRemainUnmet. The default setting is ImportToMeetShortfall.

    You may also want to set a value for the Base Year Reserves of gas (and other fuels) under the Resource branches. If no reserves are set, LEAP will again default to importing the fuel. This variable is only available when editing Current Accounts.

    Hope this helps,
