• 86 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Industrial process emissions in LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nandini Das 6/21/2022

    We are working on coal chemical sector modelling. A large part of emissions from this sector is chemical process related. How that can be addressed?
  • Charlie Heaps 6/21/2022
      Best Response

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    You can either specify these emissions in separate branches under the Non Energy Sector branches (an approach that largely matches how the IPCC inventory guidelines are organized), or you can separately specify energy and non-energy related emissions under your Demand branches (e.g. for a particular industrial subsector). To specify non-combustion related emissions that are not proportional to energy use in a parent branch, set the Method to Total Annual Loading within the Avg Environmental Loading variable for any given branch.

    Note that it is possible to have two or more emissions branches with the same pollutant under a single demand branch. So for example, one calculate energy-related emissions, and the other process emissions.

    Hope this helps,
