• 74 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Issue regarding fuel shareSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Maliha Tauqir Butt 6/27/2022

    Hi. I am unable to add fuel share to my model. LEAP asks the fuel share sum to be 100%. But how to do it for the fuels for which I don't have value. Kindly guide
  • Charlie Heaps 7/5/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Maliha - yours is more of a philosophical question than a LEAP question. Essentially I think you are asking "how do I make a model if I don't have the data required by the method I chose to use in that model?" ;)

    Seriously though, LEAP gives you choices of methods, one of which involves specifying fuel shares. If you choose that method, you will need to enter fuel share data. If the shares don't add up to 100% LEAP stops the calculations and asks you to fix things before it can continue. If it didn't do that it would be allowing you to specify an invalid model. LEAP is being tough but fair with you! ;)

    So what can you do? You have two choices:
    1. Go off and find that data (or make some assumptions to allow you to enter a value for that into the model). For example, you might want to use proxy data from another neighboring country for a similar situation.
    2. Choose a different method or tree structure (e.g. by specifying different branches/branch types). Note however that most LEAP models do require basic information on energy consumption, so it is hard to avoid the need for fuel shares and fuel consumption.

    Good luck!
