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    Topic: CCS in industrySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Catur Kurniadi 7/1/2022

    Dear LEAP Team,

    How we model CCS for heavy industry like cement or iron and steel?


  • Charlie Heaps 7/5/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Catur,

    CCS can simply be modeled as a lower CO2 emission factor per unit of fossil fuel burned. As far as I am aware most CCS installations are still in an early pre-commercialized phase of development and most are only capturing a fraction of CO2 generated. The fraction actually stored (i.e. not emitted) is lower still.

    This IPCC report seems to have a good table with some default values (table 8.1). Fig 8.2 also useful: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/03/srccs_chapter8-1.pdf

    Bear in mind that CCS with biomass (BECCS) could potentially have net negative emission factors.

    Hope this helps,
