• 100 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Model DisplaySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Tom Looney 7/4/2022

    Hi there, I am currently encountering an issue with my LEAP model. I have been working on a model saved as 'Cork City case study 3 recovery check' where various amounts of data has been input under some of the folders seen here in the attachment. But, for some unknown reason I have been opening my file and displayed is an older model, called 'Cork City Case Study 2' where no data has been input, just some folders created. If I change to another model it will work and changes model but doesn't so for 'Cork City case study 3 recovery check'. Possibly something wrong with the way its saved etc.? I'm unsure......
    I would be grateful if anyone knew a solution to this matter!
    Thanks in advance for reading this!

    LEAP Issue.PNG
  • Charlie Heaps 7/5/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Tom - I'm not really understanding what the issue is. Can you clarify? Is it possible you closed an area without saving some edits you made?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Tom Looney 7/6/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,
    Thank you for the reply! I have since been able to rectify the issue with my model in LEAP! It required a 'revert' of an older model under 'available versions'.
    Thanks again!