• 80 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Transformation error after 2020.1.0.66 updateSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Luke Sperry 7/14/2022


    I recently updated LEAP to version 2020.1.0.66 and have been having issues with a model that I haven't had before:

    I do not have "System Load Data" checked for this branch's properties, so I am not sure why the load factor is creating issues. I have tried enabling system load data for this branch, changing load shapes to "% of peak generation", and inputting a new yearly load shape, but encounter this error when I try to add an new yearly shape:

    I have also tried inputting a constant value (8.33) under system energy load shape and then disabling the data (unchecking it under branch properties), but that hasn't fixed the issue either. Please let me know if there are any other steps I could try to fix this issue.

    Luke Sperry
  • Charlie Heaps 7/19/2022
      Best Response

    This should be fixed in LEAP 2020.1.67.