• 133 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: "HasLoadShape" errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Laurence Casquejo 7/14/2022

    Hello! my concern is on the general>>yearly shape>>, I cannot add a new yearly shape. Please help me with this concern because it is essential on one of my outputs.
  • Charlie Heaps 7/19/2022
      Best Response

    Sorry for this problem. I'm working on a fix for it now. Hope to have that ready in the next day or so.

  • Laurence Casquejo 7/19/2022
      Best Response

    Thank you. I already reinstalled the app and still the same error. I also tried the 32 and 64 bit version and nothing changes.

  • Charlie Heaps 7/22/2022
      Best Response

    Should now be fixed. Please get LEAP v2020.1.69 or later here.
    Sorry for the problems.