• 132 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Calculation of CO2 equivalent for electric power generation.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Adonay Urrutia 7/26/2022

    Good morning, I would like to understand how LEAP calculates the CO2 equivalent emissions for electric power generation with bagasse, fuel oil, and natural gas sources. I understand that it multiplies the emissions factor of each fuel by the energy consumed by each technology, but I am trying to do the calculation and the values do not match.
    I would be very grateful for your help.
  • Charlie Heaps 7/26/2022
      Best Response

    Emissions are calculated for each technology and, by default, combustion emission factors are specified per unit of energy consumption and are then multiplied by the energy combusted in that technology. LEAP does also support specifying emission factors per unit of energy produced, per unit of energy lost, or as a total. See screenshot below.

    If you are having trouble confirming the calculations please do send me a description of the problem, but I'd suggest carefully checking all the units and scaling factors first.



  • Adonay Urrutia 7/27/2022
      Best Response

    Thank you very much for your prompt reply, please find attached:
    -The emissions that LEAP calculates for electricity generation based on Bagasse(biomass), Fuel oil (thermal) and Natural Gas.
    -Emissions factor for each fuel Bagasse (biomass), Fuel oil (thermal) and Natural Gas.

    Dividing the emissions (KTonCO2 equi) by the energy produced in Thousands of Terajoules should result in the emission factor for each fuel.

    I hope to have your help, thank you very much in advance.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Attachments:  Example.xlsx [7]
  • Charlie Heaps 8/22/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Adonay - could you send me your LEAP data set as well so I can investigate this?

    You can do that using the Backup button on the main screen. That will create a .leap file that you can send me. Its probably best to send it as a link to avoid problems with large email attachments. I recommend using Dropbox or Google Drive for that.

