• 102 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Exercise 1.4.2 No "Processes" in Electricity Generation ModuleSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jannis Langer 8/10/2022

    Dear LEAP community,
    today I've started exploring LEAP and tried to solve the first exercise. I was able to follow until exercise 1.4.2, but now I am stuck with several things that I've noticed:

    1. Even before exercise 1.4.2, there were several occasions where "an error occurred in leap. ERangeError - Range check error" popped up. This even occurred at the very first step of creating the "Households" branch under "Demand". However, this was not an issue, because when I saved the file and then closed and restarted LEAP, the branches were there as desired.

    2. For exercise 1.4.2, I am supposed to create the module "Electricity Generation". I did what the Youtube Tutorial said and checked "Capacities", "System Load Curve ...", and "Planning Reserve Margin...". When I pressed "OK", the usual "An error occurred in leap ..." error popped up. However, when I now save, close and restart LEAP, only the "Output Fuels" branch will show, but not "Processes". Therefore, I cannot continue the exercise.

    I use the 2020.1.0.73 (64-bit) version on my work laptop, so maybe the software clashes with some computer settings.

    Could someone please help me with this issue? If you need further info, like laptop specs or others, please let me know.

    Thank you and have a nice day. Best,

  • Charlie Heaps 8/16/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Jannis,

    This error should be fixed in LEAP v2020.1.74. Please download that and let me know how you get on. Sorry for the problems.

  • Jannis Langer 8/17/2022
      Best Response

    Thank you Charlie, that seemed to work! :)