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I'm running Julia 1.7 and NemoMod 1.8 on MacOS, and after a new DB I put together threw an error (the same error I'm showing below), I'm trying to run the out-of-the-box demo database, and I'm getting this "type Array has no field name" error. Here's the code I'm running:
dbpath = normpath(joinpath(pathof(NemoMod), "..", "..", "test", "storage_test.sqlite"))
chmod(dbpath, 0o777)
NemoMod.calculatescenario(dbpath; jumpmodel=Model(Cbc.Optimizer), numprocs = 1)
I confirmed I get this error (running from both a Jupyter notebook and the REPL):
2022-14-Aug 12:03:44.273 Started modeling scenario.
2022-14-Aug 12:03:44.273 Validated run-time arguments.
2022-14-Aug 12:03:44.277 Connected to scenario database. Path = /Users/jsyme/.julia/packages/NemoMod/vg6Tx/test/storage_test.sqlite.
NEMO encountered an error with the following message: type Array has no field name.
To report this issue to the NEMO team, please submit an error report at https://leap.sei.org/support/. Please include in the report a list of steps to reproduce the error and the error message
UPDATE: I found the isssue, which was occurring with dropresulttables: I had SQLIte 1.4.1 installed instead of 1.4.0. In 1.4.1, "SQLite.tables(db).name" is no longer valid. I downgraded to 1.4.0. Not sure why such a change would take place in a minor version update of SQLite...