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    Topic: Nemo Errors: Emissions and RPS ConstraintsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Joshua Neutel 8/16/2022

    1 Like

    Hi there LEAP/NEMO team,

    Ive run into a couple of issues constraining my electricity generation model using NEMO. I've tried two methods to constrain emissions, both are failing in different ways:

    1) Renewable target: here the model runs, but seems to not care about the RPS constraint I set. It should be that 95% of generation comes from clean sources (all but NG are "clean"), but instead the majority of output still comes from NG generation. Ive triple checked how I've set the Renewable Qualified variable, and the only one that should be ineligible for RPS is NG.

    2) Emissions constraint: here the model simply does not run and produces the attached error, saying the model is infeasible. The model DOES run when I set the emissions constraint to "Unlimited," but I cannot get it to run on anything below this. For example, the baseline emissions from the module is just under 40 MTonne, however even when I set it to 200 MTonne it still says infeasible.

    Happy to send over the model at your convenience. Thank you !

    Josh and Stanford team

    baseline egen emissions.PNG
    emissions constraint error.PNG
    outputs by output fuel.PNG