• 140 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Renewable target not wokringSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hyungsik Choi 8/30/2022


    I set the renewable target in the LEAP optimization model (NEMO). And I set the renewable qualifed as I wanted as below.

    But, optimization results do not show the target values from solar, wind onshore, and wind offshore.
    I relaxed the emission constraints to see the effects of renewable target only.

    What else should I check?

    Hyungsik Choi
  • Jason Veysey 9/1/2022
      Best Response

    Thanks for reporting this issue. We've verified that it's due to a bug in the LEAP-NEMO interface, which we are correcting in the next release of LEAP. Please watch for that!

