For my master’s
thesis I am studying how different assessment tools can be of use to assess
sustainability impacts (opportunities and risks) of the development of a
biofuel sector in developing countries. I want to evaluate among others the
data requirements and completeness in terms of sustainability (eco/env/soc)
indicators measured. One of the assessment tools I want to evaluate
concerns LEAP. I want to test LEAP for a case study, namely the introduction of
ethanol blended gasoline (E5) for transport in Vietnam. I assume an ethanol
demand of 370 ML under a E5 blending mandate.
My question: which
of the existing LEAP datasets or scenarios are most suitable to serve as
starting point for modelling this case in LEAP? Or is it better to start from
scratch? Ideally, in first instance, I would like to model the case as simple
as possible (no in/export of biofuels, only transport as demand sector,
Also, considering the facts that I want to focus on impacts, would this be a realistic setting scope & scale setting to start?:
I hope someone can
help me further. Thanks in advance.
BR, Emilie
Hi Emilie,