• 75 views | 1 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Energy Demand ModelingSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Dennis Umlas 10/12/2022

    Hello, everyone.

    I am trying to build a model using the following data that I have

    Historical Data
    • Total number of customers per type (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial and others);
    • Annual energy per customer type (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial and others);
    • Hourly demand (8760 hours);
    • Distribution Utility's (DU) own use energy;
    • DU's system loss classified into technical and non-technical.

    My question is how can I incorporate or reflect the DU's own use energy and system loss? Is creating a Category with Energy Intensity with no data in Activity Level but with value in Final Energy Intensity correct?