• 182 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: What is the difference between peak power requirements and maximum peak power requirement?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • John Sanchez 6/15/2023

    Hi, could you please explain to me, what is the difference between peak power requirements and maximum peak power requirements? How are those results calculated in the transformation module?

    In the simulation, the resulting values are completely different but I don't quite understand why.
  • Charlie Heaps 6/15/2023
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi John - what version of LEAP are you using? It sounds like you may be using an older one. You can get the latest version here (2020.1.98 at time of writing). That may fix a few bugs but it has also renamed those variables.

    This new version has two results variables named power requirements (which varies by time slice) and peak power requirements (which does not). The latter variable simply records the maximum value of the power requirements across all the time slices in any particular year. For example from the Freedonia data set, here are those two variables. Notice that the highest value in the power requirements chart for 2040 (circled), correspond to the peak power requirements for 2040 in the other chart (in each scenario). Notice also that the two charts have different dimensions on their X axes.
  • John Sanchez 6/15/2023
      Best Response

    Thanks for your kind answer. I will update my version of LEAP to solve this issue