• 140 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: LEAP on multi-processor / multi-core systemsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zach Lee 7/25/2023


    Are there any tips on making LEAP run more efficiently on multi-processor / multi-core systems? We usually have a multi-processor workstation (say, a Dell T7910) that we use to run various modelling tools.

    I noticed that LEAP doesn't run across all the processors/core, and is also slower when running jobs that might be similar in nature / size. Thank you!
  • Charlie Heaps 7/26/2023
      Best Response

    Hi Zach - LEAP itself is primarily single-threaded so you won't get much additional benefits in having many cores when doing LEAP's standard accounting calculations. (Of course though, you do get benefits for being on a multi-core machine since Windows itself and any other apps you are running will be using multiple cores).

    When doing least cost optimizations using NEMO, this does take automatically advantage of multiple cores/threads although different solvers seem to be able to take more or less advantage of multi-threading. In general, the "industrial strength" commercial solvers such as CPLEX, GUROBI and XPRESS seem to be better at using multi-threading and this is reflected in their generally far better solution times. You don't need to do anything special to take advantage of these features although you might try tweaking the "number of processors" setting in the Settings: Optimization screen. In general, you can just leave this set to the default of "Let NEMO decide". We have sometimes seen errors being generated if too many processors are used. If you run into errors, just ramp down that setting.

    This page also gives tips on optimizing the performance of NEMO including tweaking its use of multi-core CPUs.