• 1493 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: System Yearly Shape Load fractions (NAN) do not sum to 100.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nicolas Jacob 8/31/2023

    Just updated LEAP to the newest version. I am seeing the error. I went through the following steps to create the Load Shape:

    1. I have created a TimeSlice with 365 days.
    2. I have imported a full year of hourly data using the "Yearly Shapes" module.
    3. It is created as a% of Annual Energy
    I am getting the error shown in the screenshot. I do not understand why the sum is not 100, since it was generated by LEAP. Do I have to manually correct the values?

    LEAP Error3.jpg
    LEAP error4.jpg
  • Charlie Heaps 8/31/2023
      Best Response

    That "NAN" indicates LEAP thinks a value is "Not a Number". so this might indicate there's a problem in the calculations - possibly a bug.

    Could you send your LEAP area so I can take a look at the issue? Please backup the area as a .leap file, then send that, preferably as a link in an email using Dropbox, Google Drive or similar.

    Thanks and sorry for the problem!

  • Nicolas Jacob 9/1/2023
      Best Response

    Thanks Charlie. I've shared the file.
