• 385 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Problem regarding results view by yearSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Canyang Xie 10/22/2023

    Dear colleagues,

    I encountered a problem when viewing results by year. I can only view results by every year, but not by every 2/5/10 years. My version is the latest one (2020.1.0.104). How can I fix it?

    Would really appreciate your advice!

    (Attached is the screenshot of the results view after I select "every two/five/ten years")

  • Charlie Heaps 10/22/2023
      Best Response

    Please provide more information. For example, what are your base year, first scenario year and end year values? What scenarios have you created?
  • Canyang Xie 10/22/2023
      Best Response

    Dear Dr. Heaps,

    Thanks for your quick reply. I am doing the tutorial exercise creating the "Freedonia New" energy system. The base year is 2010, and the end year is 2040. In accordance with the tutorial, I've created a baseline scenario and a demand-side management scenario.

    The problem not showing results every 2/5/10 years in the results view exists across all scenarios and analyses I'm looking into. It just shows either the base year result or result for each year.
  • Charlie Heaps 10/23/2023
      Best Response

    Please send me a copy of your LEAP area so I can take a look. Please use LEAP's backup function to create a .leap data file. Please send to leap@sei.org.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Victor Maxwell 11/23/2023
      Best Response


    Were you able to resolve this? I am also having the same issue.