• 74 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Problem in SO2 emissions of coal ligniteSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sumaira Salam 10/24/2023

    Respected Responded,
    I am currently working on a project of a fertilizer industry , in that secondary fuel I mentioned is coal lignite, that obtained from That desert, Pakistan. Problem is that value of sulphur dioxide remain zero.
  • Charlie Heaps 11/1/2023
      Best Response

    Check the General: Fuels screen in LEAP. You can edit the sulfur content of each fuel there. Different types of coals will have different sulfur contents. Also check your emission factors in LEAP to see if they are entered as simple values or if they are a function of the sulfur content of the fuel.

    A typical expression for SO2 emissions from an uncontrolled power plant is this:

    SulfurContent*(1-SulfurRetention)*(SO2/S) [kg/kg]

    In other words, this says that SO2 emissions measured in kg per kg of fuel burnt are simply the sulfur content of the fuel (as a fraction) times 1-the sulfur retained when a fuel is combusted (i.e. not emitted) times the molecular weight of sulfur dioxide (SO2) vs pure sulfur (S).

    I hope this helps!