• 313 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: In-area export fraction sums to 100.0, lt must sum to 100% across regions.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Liu Mingkai 11/7/2023

    Hello, LEAP Family:

    A multi-are region was built in LEAP Version: 2020.1.0.104 (64-Bit), but the error popped up when I clicked the Results, as shown in the picture.

    However, I can't figure out what the error means. 100.0 not equal to 100%?

    Thank you in advance.

    Mingkai Liu

  • Charlie Heaps 11/16/2023
      Best Response

    I'm afraid that looks like a bug (possibly some rounding going on). Sorry! I will try to get it fixed in the next version.
  • Liu Mingkai 11/21/2023
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,

    I checked the data entered into this module and they add up to 99.99, not 100.
  • Charlie Heaps 11/22/2023
      Best Response

    Thanks! Is it working for you now?