• 175 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: AMES script running errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Canyang Xie 11/18/2023

    Dear LEAP fellows,
    I am trying to run the AMES in the LEAP analysis view (Advanced--Run Area Script--AMESModelCalc.vbs), but I encountered the running error as shown in this screenshot.
    I followed the AMES tutorial to copy the VB script to the right folder, and also changed the configuration file. It seems like I need to give LEAP permission to run the script, but I don't know how.

    Look for help if anyone knows the solution:)


  • Canyang Xie 11/18/2023
      Best Response

    After checking several times, I found that several packages were not well installed on my computer. Now I've solved them and successfully run the AMES model in LEAP!


  • Aliosha Behnisch 4/3/2024
      Best Response

    Dear Canyang,

    I'm having the same issue. Could you tell me which packages you found not to be properly installed on your computer?