• 193 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Renewable TargetSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Flady Cordero 11/28/2023


    I observe LEAP in the Load Curve can define a "Renewable Target"

    Where are the technologies that we have modeled as Renewable defined or classified?

    Thanking you in advance, he says goodbye,
  • Charlie Heaps 11/29/2023
      Best Response


    Hi Flady,

    This target only gets applied in optimization-based scenarios using NEMO. You can specify values a static target by entering a simple number, or use the Interp function to specify a target that varies over time.

    Optimization-based scenarios are those where you have set the "Optimize" variable to tell LEAP to use NEMO. The "optimize" variable exists at Transformation modules. The default value for this variable is "No", meaning that LEAP should NOT do optimization, If you want to tell LEAP to do optimization using NEMO, use the NEMO function. For example, to tell it to use NEMO and the built-in HIGHS solver you would enter the expression "NEMO(HIGHS)" for this variable.

    When editing those scenarios you should see a variable named "Renewable Qualified", which exists at the process level within optimized Transformation modules. Set values for that variable between 0% (meaning non-renewable) and 100% (meaning "fully renewable"). You can only specify values between 0% and 100%, which can be useful if you have plants that are co-fired with fossil and biomass fuels. Note that you will only see this variable in optimized scenarios. It is not visible in Current Accounts or in non-optimized scenarios.

    During LEAP's optimization calculations, LEAP will attempt to generate electricity from a combination of processes such that the share of generation meets the renewability target you have set.

    I hope this helps!
