• 72 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Importing 8760-hr Load Data instead of using Time SlicesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mark Andrei Morales 10/30/2024

    Hello! Does LEAP now support the import of 8760-hr load and supply data instead of using time slices for more detailed calculations? Thanks.
  • Charlie Heaps 11/6/2024
      Best Response

    There is an option in the General: Yearly Shapes screen that lets you import shapes from 8760 hourly values. That option will then create a time-sliced load shape. It does that by mapping each hour to an appropriate time slice. In general, I do not recommend running LEAP with 8760 time slices as that can be very slow and memory intensive. Indeed, most PCs will probably give out of memory errors if your try to do this. Instead I suggest trying out different time slice arrangements such as 4 seasons x 24 hours.

    One nice feature to note: If you create your yearly shapes by importing from 8760 hourly data, then LEAP will automatically regenerate these shapes if you subsequently edit the time slice configuration in the General: Time Slices screen.