• 49 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Fuel Switching cost of a power plant in optimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 10/30/2024

    Dear All,

    For example, a natural gas-powered power plant is to be replaced with hydrogen fuel. To achieve this goal, the power plant must be modified which requires additional costs (one-time only, not yearly cost).

    In optimization using NEMO with LEAP, how to accommodate this?

    Thank you.
  • Pintoko Aji 11/27/2024
      Best Response

    Dear Mr. Rahmat

    How about including the "extended hydrogen-OCGT" as a candidate option? We could account for the retrofitting cost (if applicable) within the CAPEX. Based on my understanding, there may be an additional cost, which could increase FO&M and VO&M by +xx% of existing OCGT. (I assume you've reviewed this in the linked document)

    For the operational mode, my current suggestion is still to use a "what-if" approach with two scenarios (one scenario without any OCGT retrofit, another scenario with the retrofit applied).