• 248 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Error in Regional ImportsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Pinto Anugrah 11/6/2024

    Hi Charlie,

    I am working on modelling the energy trading in a multi-region area. After setting the variable on "Has Regional Imports" and "Regional Import Fraction" tabs, However, I cannot run the simulation.
    The error message says: Invalid branch name: "Imports from ". Name "Imports from " contains reserved variable name "Imports".

    I think the error was pointing at the tree branch that was automatically showed up after I put "Yes" on "Has Regional Imports" variable. Please see attached the error message and the tree branch.

    Could you please tell me how to proceed with this? Thank you in advance.

    LEAP Error imports.jpg
    LEAP Tree branch error.jpg
  • Charlie Heaps 11/7/2024
      Best Response

    I'm sorry - that is a bug -will try to fix soon.
  • Pinto Anugrah 11/10/2024
      Best Response

    Thank you Charlie.

    Actually, I have another thing (not sure if it is also a bug or not).
    The "Regional Import Fraction" tab is only showing up if I put "yes" on "Has regional imports" tab in "Current Accounts". It is not showing if I am working on any other scenarios.
    Is it possible to change it? The purpose is so that we can work on some scenarios that is without energy trading among regions and other scenarios with energy trading.

    current accounts.jpg
  • Charlie Heaps 11/13/2024
      Best Response

    I'm afraid that setting is for the area as a whole. It cannot vary by scenario. I will look into whether we could refine that to allow it to vary by scenario.
  • Pinto Anugrah 2/2/2025
      Best Response

    Hi Charlie,

    I have updated to the newest LEAP version (2024.1.1.15) but it still has the same problem.

    Invalid branch name "Imports from X".
    Name "imports from X" contains reserved variable name "Imports".