• 113 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Simplifying Fuel Share Data Input in Current Accounts for Optimized Demand BranchSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Pintoko Aji 11/10/2024

    Hi LEAP Developers or Expert,

    I'm encountering a challenge with setting up fuel share data in the Current Accounts section when modeling demand optimization. My scenario relies on historical technology share data, and I don't have direct data on fuel share. This means I need to convert the technology share data to fuel share using final energy intensity and efficiency, which adds a lot of extra work and can introduce data gaps or discrepancies.

    Is there a way to simplify this process, or could LEAP allow technology shares to be used directly instead of fuel shares in Current Accounts? Alternatively, do you have a suggested approach or formula for accurately converting technology share to fuel share, given that I only have historical data for technology shares?

    Thanks in advance for any guidance!

    Screenshot 2024-11-10 191259.png
    Screenshot 2024-11-10 191227.png
  • Charlie Heaps 11/13/2024
      Best Response

    Hi Pintoko,

    Have you tried setting up these branches using useful energy intensities? That way you can explicitly specify efficiencies for each technology. Also the fuel shares will be a separate variable, distinct from the technology shares (i.e. the activity level shares). You can also optionally specify if you want to always enter technology/activity shares or if you want to specify fuel shares in Current accounts and have LEAP calculate the implied technology/activity shares in a scenario. You can set this up using the "Add Branch" option as in the attached image.

