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    Topic: Integration statistical models for forecastingSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Julia Marie Federizo 11/24/2024


    Is it possible to integrate a more advanced statistical modeling technique in LEAP like ARIMA/SARIMA? For forecasting of data
  • Charlie Heaps 11/26/2024
      Best Response

    H Julia,

    I'm not familiar with ARIMA or SARIMA although I found this blog to be quite informative. I note in particular that some of the techniques are intended for helping to forecast time series that vary both by year and by season. In LEAP, some variables are time sliced and can vary by year, season and even time of day. So it seems like the technique might be quite relevant for LEAP models.

    I think you should be able to integrate these types of techniques into a LEAP model by calling external scripts that calculate the values for variables of interest. Failing that, you could simply have a pre-run python model that saves its results to an Excel spreadsheet and then read those results back into LEAP, for example using the Interp function.

    I would suggest taking a look at the documentation for LEAP's API. Also, take a look at the CALL function which can be used to calculate variable values using external scripts. Note however that scripting is currently primarily oriented around VBScript. Python support is still a bit patchy for now.

    Please do let me know how you get on - improving integration between LEAP and Python is definitely something we would like to work on.

