• 146 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Optimization exceeds the set maximum capacity for a generation technologySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • John Andrey Asuncion 12/2/2024

    Hi! This question has been asked before here: https://leap.sei.org/default.asp?action=thread&tid=6531&fid=22. However it was not resolved.

    I encountered this problem while I was using NEMO for optimization. In this case, I set a cap on the maximum capacity that can be built for Dam HEPP, but the solver seems to ignore this limit. The total installed capacity after optimizing is 180% of the set maximum capacity. May I ask why this is happening?
  • Charlie Heaps 12/2/2024
      Best Response

    Hi John - what exact version of LEAP are you using? Make sure you are using 2024.1.1.9 (or later). We did fix some issues related to constraints in recent releases.

    FYI - there is also still an outstanding problem with how LEAP handles planning reserve margin constraints. I am working to fix that ASAP.

  • John Andrey Asuncion 12/2/2024
      Best Response

    I'm using version 2024.1.1.9, sir, with NEMO and HiGHS.
  • Charlie Heaps 12/3/2024
      Best Response

    Thanks John - could you send me your LEAP data set (back it up to a .leap file) and I can take a look?
    Please send to leap@sei.org