• 107 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Minimum/Maximum CapacitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jessica Gustavsson 12/16/2024


    I want to try to set the maximum or minimum capacity of wind to ensure that my optimized net-zero scenario builds more wind (now, it basically only want to build solar and the results are not very reasonable, even if it happens to be the cheapest option, it's pretty unreasonable to have 95% of the production to only be wind, even if we have storage options incuded in the model).
    But when adding constraints in maximum or minimum capacity, nothing happens. Is that supposed to happen? Or is there a better way to ensure the addition of wind here? (Ex. if I set that the minimum capacity of wind in 2030 should be atleast 5 GW, nothing happens to the results)


    Best regards,

    I tried again and now, for some reason now it works. :)
  • John Sanchez 12/19/2024
      Best Response

    It works for me to limit the capacity for both the maximum capacity and the maximum capacity addition and to make sure that other technologies are installed, I also use the minimum capacity addition to balance the electrical system. Limit the optimization, but every other way only install solar in the Colombian case.
  • Thomas Houlie 12/20/2024
      Best Response

    Hi Jessica,

    I’ve encountered the exact same issue with minimum and maximum production (and, in fact, posted this thread just a few minutes ago before seeing your post!). In our case, the minimum and maximum capacity constraints are working properly, so this looks like an or problem... Do you happen to know what changes you made to get it working?

  • Charlie Heaps 12/20/2024
      Best Response

    Hi all,

    I'm looking into this now. Will report back once I have an idea of what is going on.
