• 110 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Exporting multiple Energy BalancesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ricardo Aguiar 1/24/2025

    Dear LEAP developers,

    the option to export to EXCEL Energy Balances for multiple years of the 2024 LEAP version does not seem to function properly: only the "One" sheet exporting option is displayed in the interface.

    Am I doing something wrong, is there some configuration option, or is it really a bug?

    Thank you in advance for examining this issue.
  • Charlie Heaps 1/24/2025
      Best Response

    Hi Ricardo,

    What exact version of LEAP are you using? The option to export all energy balances did not make it into LEAP2024 yet. I will try to add that back in soon. In the meantime you could write a simple VB script to do this. Try running the following in Advanced: Edit Scripts. Set ExportEveryXYears to 1 if you want to export energy balances for all years.You could save the script as "ExportEnergyBalances.VBS" if you want to use it multiple times.

    ExportEveryXYears = 10
    LEAP.ActiveView = "Energy Balance"
    for y = LEAP.BaseYear to LEAP.EndYear
    if (y mod ExportEveryXYears) = 0 then
    LEAP.ActiveYear = y
    end if

    Hope this helps!
