Hi, Matt -
I believe you're talking about maximum charge and discharge rates, not the actual charge and discharge rates calculated in a given time slice. Ordinarily, NEMO allows the actual charge and discharge rates for storage in a time slice to differ.
By default in LEAP-NEMO models, the capacity associated with a storage process in LEAP sets the maximum charge and discharge rates for the storage. Both are equal to the capacity.
NEMO has parameters for the maximum charge and discharge rates for storage (see https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/stable/parameters/#StorageMaxChargeRate and https://sei-international.github.io/NemoMod.jl/stable/parameters/#StorageMaxDischargeRate), but they're not currently accessible in the LEAP interface. We plan to add them to the interface in an upcoming release. Once we do, you'll be able to specify maximum charge and discharge rates that differ.
In the meantime, there's unfortunately no option to set these parameters in NEMO configuration files. You could pass them to NEMO at model calculation time using LEAP and NEMO scripts, however. It's a bit complicated, but it is possible. The basic pattern is:
1) Create and populate user variables for the parameters in LEAP.
2) Create a LEAP before calculation, before scenario, or before transformation script that uses the LEAP API to extract the parameters' values and write them to a temporary file in the LEAP working directory.
3) Create a NEMO before scenario script that reads the parameters' values from the temporary file and adds them to the NEMO scenario database that's being calculated.
4) Activate the NEMO before scenario script by pointing to it in your model's NEMO configuration file.
I hope this helps.