• 20 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Grid Clip FailedSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ashim Joshi 3/2/2025


    1. I am trying to use shape file to show my emissions.
    2. For allocation, I have used a population TIF file.
    3. I tried using combinations of all functions
    4. but I am getting "Grid clip Failed" every time.
    5. I have attached relevant screenshots below.
    I downloaded tif file for population from: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/worldpop-population-density-for-slovakia

    Thank you very much!

    Region Tab.png
    Geographical Mapping tab.png
    Grid Clip Error.png
  • Charlie Heaps 3/3/2025
      Best Response

    Sorry Ashim - I have not seen that error before (which I must say is a very unhelpful error). LEAP makes use of the GDAL library when processing .TIF and other raster map files. You can get more information on GDAL here: https://gdal.org/en/stable/programs/gdal_grid.html.