• 21 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Could you please tell me how to open .nxl files in LEAP?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Lucien Percy 3/3/2025

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Hi, I'm a user having some trouble accessing a LEAP folder that contains numerous files with the ".nxl" extension.This folder, sent by someone else, contains the LEAP model data he built. It's of great importance to me, but no matter what I try, I just can't seem to open it in LEAP. I've made several attempts to solve this issue on my own, but to no avail. I'm really hoping you can provide some assistance. I'm counting on your expertise and support. Thank you for considering my request.
  • Charlie Heaps 3/3/2025
      Best Response

    You cannot open those files directly. They are part of the overall database that defines a LEAP area.

    What you can do is the following:

    1. Exit LEAP
    2. Copy that whole folder so it is a subfolder of the Documents\LEAP Areas folder. I'm going to pretend the folder's name is "My Area"
    2. Rerun LEAP
    3. From the Area: Open menu option, select that area "My Area".

    When sharing LEAP areas among colleagues, I suggest you use LEAP's "Backup" button on the main toolbar. This will compress a whole area into a single .leap file. You can then give that file to a colleague (e.g., by emailing or sharing on a network drive). Your colleague can then install that area onto their PC using the LEAP menu option Area: Install From File.

    Hope this helps!