• 39 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Scenario Results Resetting When Toggling VisibilitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Matthew Davis 3/4/2025


    I’ve noticed that if I calculate a scenario and confirm the results are saved, then toggle the scenario off and back on, the results must be recalculated, even though no changes were made. For example, if I calculate and save a set of scenarios, then disable them to test others, re-enabling them requires recalculating the results. For example, running:

    • LEAP.Scenarios(my_scenarios).ResultsShown = False
    • LEAP.Scenarios(my_scenarios).ResultsShown = True

    effectively wipes any saved results, requiring recalculation. I am not sure if this is by design. I think I recall that in the past, scenario results stayed intact when toggled, which would be really helpful.

  • Charlie Heaps 3/4/2025
      Best Response

    Noted Matt - this was not really by design - it’s just LEAP being conservative about the need to recalculate. I will look into (re)implementing this in a future release.
  • Matthew Davis 3/5/2025
      Best Response

    Thank you, Charlie. That will be great!
  • Charlie Heaps 3/14/2025
      Best Response

    This is fixed in next version Matt (coming soon). It will be 2024.2.0.0
  • Matthew Davis 3/14/2025
      Best Response

    That's excellent. Thank you very much, Charlie.