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    Topic: eRange errorSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Biljana Stojanovic 5/12/2020

    Hi to every one,

    I have a question upon error message 'Erange error'. I have previously built some old models, and now, for new modeling, I'm using this old model of mine. But in some cases, if I change some fuel (or delete the fuel), I have this message coming out. For now, I am resolving with excluding these fuels from the results (with unchecking the branches) but I think there is a better solution. First of all, I do not understand where is the mistake and then how to resolve it.
    If you have any suggestions, it will be very helpful.

    Thank you in advance,


  • Charlie Heaps 5/12/2020
      Best Response

    >>I have a question upon error message 'Erange error'.

    Hi Biljana

    Range errors, access violations and various other low level error messages are a likely indication of a bug in LEAP or some other type of software fault. If LEAP is working properly, you should not see them. In other words, you are not doing anything wrong when you see this type of error - it means I have to fix something!

    Could you send me your data set (please send as a .leap file) along with precise instructions of how to reproduce the error (which screen to go to, which options you clicked on etc.) Please email to charlie.heaps@sei.org If the .leap file is too large to attach, I suggest you send as a dropbox or google drive link. The new version of LEAP (LEAP 2020) coming next week is generally more robust and crash resistant than LEAP 2018, but this still may be worth fixing.

    Sorry for the problems and thanks for your patience!
