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    Topic: We need your help!Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Charlie Heaps 10/27/2022


    Can you help us to make LEAP more accessible? We've created machine translations of LEAP in more than 60 languages, but we need your help to review and refine these before making them public. If you can help, please volunteer by adding your information to this Google Form.

    Huge thanks in advance for the help you'll be giving to the LEAP community!

    Recruitment of reviewers_final.jpg
  • Lorenc Malka 11/1/2022
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Yes, I can do it!
  • Hamidou Panombanibo Savadogo 11/1/2022
      Best Response

    Yes! And I already added my information to the Google Form. Thanks!
  • Ying Xiong 11/2/2022
      Best Response

    ok, I can do it!