• 124 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Variable Renewable Energy (VREs) GenerationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Yvan Ayuketah 4/18/2021

    I'm trying to model a policy which encourages the penetration of VREs (particularly rooftop solar PV) in residential areas as a means of reducing peak demand, transmission and distribution losses from conventional power plants, and as means of transforming the power sector.
    From my knowledge, the VREs module should be above the Electricity transmission and distribution modules since they will be directly connected to households and shouldn't be subjected to the transmission losses (which are quite high).
    Given its a new policy for a developing country (Cameroon), it has zero negligible historical production and capacity etc. The issue is, LEAP can't evaluate this scenario without an appropriate historical generation and capacity for the given demand. Suggestions and directions will be very helpful.
    Attached is a screenshot of the transformation module.

  • Charlie Heaps 4/19/2021
      Best Response

    Hi Yvan,

    You should be able to do this. You can specify zeros for both Historical Production and Exogenous Capacity for any years before these VREs were built. You can then specify new capacity for these VREs in selected scenarios for some future years. Take a look at the Interp function to see how to enter data that gradually changes over time. Put another It is OK to have processes in LEAP (branches in the tree) that represent technologies that don't exist in the base year, but which might exist in the future!
