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    Topic: Grid emission factor settingSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Shimin Jia 4/13/2022

    I asked a similar question about a month ago, probably because I didn't describe it clearly, and it hasn't been solved yet. Part of the reason is the lack of instruction on this in the official video, now I will re-describe my problem, hope you can understand it well, this problem hinders my research a long time, help me solve this please, it means a lot to me.

    What I want to do is get the CO2 emissions from the grid. The method you taught us in video is to simulate the power generation ratio and efficiency of future coal power plants and new energy power plants, so as to obtain the emission factor of the power grid.
    But I can't do it this way, i don't know well about detailed power plant situation, and the results I tried are not ideal. Now what I want to directly input the grid emission factor, I firmly believe that this can be achieved, because I saw it in a paper, as shown in the picture(The authors set the 2016 grid emission factor to 0.92 kgCO2/kWh) . I wasted a lot of time on this, and i can't find it , or is such an operation deprecated in this LEAP version? ? If so, which version should I download?

    Looking forward to your reply,thanks sincerely

  • Charlie Heaps 5/19/2022
      Best Response

    Hi Shimin - you can directly specify emission factors for electric using demand devices if you wish. That would do what you want, but it’s not recommended because you won’t easily be able to model how those factors might change in the future as your generating mix also changes.